Lead Work

The Roofing Experts

High-Quality Roofing Leadwork Services

Leadwork is a specialist service and it functions as a preventative measure to maximise the weatherproofing on a roof. If you need brand new leadwork or reliable leadwork repairs in North Devon, you need a roofing firm that is worthy of your trust.

  • Skilled, experienced roofers with specialist leadwork expertise
  • High-quality materials used
  • Generous guarantees for peace of mind
  • 100% satisfaction assured

Your North Devon roofing leadwork experts

A leaking roof is a property owner’s worst nightmare and it usually happens as a consequence of weathering or property damage. These leaks have consequences like damp, mould and decay on key structural components of a property. They often occur on parts of the roof where there are joints, like parapet walls or chimney stacks.

Lead flashings can be installed to direct the flow of water away from the property. This is helpful for preventing moisture getting inside the home. The strength and quality of lead make it water-resistant and highly durable, and its stylish appearance makes it the ideal weather barrier for your roof.

We can install, repair and replace your property’s leadwork as required. Our work is done by a professional, qualified team of experts and we offer competitive prices for all our work. We also offer generous guarantees so you can rest assured our work will last for the long haul.

Benefits of roofing leadwork in North Devon

Weatherproofing is the key benefit of leadwork for your roof, but it is not the only one. Other advantages of high-quality leadwork in optimal condition include:

• A bonus layer of thermal insulation for your roof.
• Sound insulating properties to reduce external noise getting into your home.
• A visually pleasing finish around the structures of the roof for an enhanced overall aesthetic.

These advantages are all great for roofing, but it is important that the leadwork is done to a high standard. North Devon Roofing can do that for you, whether for a fresh installation or by performing maintenance and repairs on an existing one.

Common leadwork problems

The primary purpose of leadwork is to weatherproof a roofing system, but the leadwork becomes a component of the overall structure. It is extremely durable and resistant to corrosion, but prolonged exposure to the elements can cause deterioration over time.

As the lead degrades, it can become less effective at doing its job. One of the best solutions for keeping leadwork in optimal condition is to have a professional roofer inspect and maintain it periodically. It also helps for it to be installed to a high standard using the highest quality materials from the outset.

Comprehensive leadwork services in North Devon

There are several types of leadwork services you may require, and North Devon Roofing can handle whatever you need. We can:

• Install leadwork from scratch
• Inspect existing leadwork for defects
• Carry out maintenance and repairs on existing leadwork
• Replace old leadwork that is no longer fit for purpose

Leadwork is commonly associated with pitched roofing, but it can also be fitted to a flat roof. Without prominent sloping, flat roofs are known to sometimes develop leaks, so high-quality leadwork can give you additional peace of mind.

Lead Work

Why Use Us

  • Quality Workmanship


    We pride ourselves on the high standard of our work and will never compromise on quality.

  • 25 Years Experience


    Our many years of experience stands us head and shoulders above the competition.

  • All Work Guaranteed


    With a 10 year workmanship guarantee you know you can't go far wrong!